Collaborative-narrative therapists invite clients into a shared inquiry, trying to understand the ways in which people are shaped by their experiences, relationships and wider socio-political discourse.
In this process of inquiry dominant problem stories are re-opened, creating space for the client to experiment with richer and more preferred ways of living. Instead of searching for hypotheses about what is wrong (the underlying problem in the individual or family), Collaborative-Narrative therapy creates a dialogical space wherein new meanings and stories emerge and clients begin to see themselves as more than just ‘a problem’.
Podcast Bateson Café. Aflevering 1: 'Het belang van context en verbindende patronen.
Sermijn, J & Van Goethem M (2022). Elke stem een stoel. Cursiefjes uit de therapieruimte.
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Goemaere, P & Sermijn, J. (2016). Closer to you. Video-installation selected & sponsored by the Taos Institute.
Performance and text presented at the Fifth European Narrative Conference in Antwerp.